
Friday, March 11, 2011

Eco Change

Many of you know I just finished reading Sleeping Naked is Green by Vanessa Farquharson. The book is hilarious, blunt and educational. Farquharson writes about life after making the decision to make 1 green step again for a year (which starts out as 365 days then ends up being 366 thanks to a Leap Year). I especially love the part about the horror of returning home to her green apartment after it has been house-sat by her very ungreen sister – it simply sounds like something that could happen to me…only replace sister with well-meaning but clumsy friend or other relative…not to name names. I also feel some sort of bond with the author over evil felines who run the household and resent any natural change forced upon them.

I mention this book not only because its one of the best green books I’ve read all year but also because its made me think about the healthy and/or green changes I’ve made over the past year and about the changes I’ve been meaning to make or try but haven’t gotten around to.

Changes I have made and am proud of:

Switching to bottled water over tap, which includes the change for my husband and my cat

Re-wearing clothes as often as possible

Re-using towels

Buying organic root vegetables

Enforcing a 1 green vegetable a day rule

Use less detergent for dishes and clothes

Use organic or eco-friendly sponges

Recycle cans and bottles as regularly as possible

Support local co-op and fair trade stores

Research local eco-friendly activities

Make my own bath and beauty products

Integrate more raw foods into my diet

Try switching to a natural cat food (and was forced to switch back after Halloween threatened to fast for her right to choose her food)

Walk to work when weather and time permits

Use organic honey gathered by Damon’s grand-father

Use organic beeswax in products

Create a healing hemp salve to use on wounds

Research and promote legal hemp agriculture in Kentucky

Rent DVDs and borrow books from library rather than buying new

Buy only used books, movies and music from Half Price Book Store

Support Raw vegan stores, educators, etc. with co-opetitions like Best of Raw and Hot Raw Chef

Commend public places for their green efforts such as recycling bins and organic choices

Insist on recycled paper when discussing publishing of new book

Eat humanely raised beef

Use ceramic pots and pans

Support eco-charities

Use incense and oil burners instead of air freshener

Meditate and promote a relaxing, natural health-style

Choose almond milk over cow’s milk

Use Pine Pollen as a health supplement

Switch to fluoride-free toothpaste

Switch to natural deodorant

Remind myself and everyone there are more important things in the world than post after post of why they hate Beiber, Twilight and Lady .

Start my own eco-friendly business

Changes I still want to try:

Go 75-100% Raw Vegan for 1 month

Switch to organic cat-litter if Halloween permits

Buy shower water filter

Research switching to bio-diesel

Invest in some handkerchiefs

Request organic alcohol when out

Invest in bicycles for outdoor dates

Buy and use recycled razors, toilet paper, paper towles, etc

Recycle all recyclables

Attend Lexington Green Drinks and some other local green activities.

Find a green job…or work for a place with green ethics

Have book picked up by a green publisher

Switch from bottled water to re-usable jugs of water refilled at Good Foods

Research fair trade or humanely, sustainably mined silver, gold and other jewelry related materials

Figure out the best way to prevent pregnancy preferably without ingesting toxins on a daily or monthly basis

Support Anima School and other eco, green, natural, etc groups.

Eat local – especially once the farmers market starts back up

Try Magnesium Calm and Adya Clarity

Try out natural dental care products and use a recycled toothbrush

Stop eating fast food all-together

Teach a class or two on how to make natural products, henna, etc.

Have an eco-charity, EcoGoth promoting club night

Ask for and give green gifts for Christmas and birthdays

Green my kitchen

Green my lighting

Invest in a personal solar panel for phone, computer, etc.

Buy only used or organic clothing

Buy a recycled rubber purse – not something I need…just think they’re cool

Only use my thermoses for water, tea and juice

Learn Mandarin…not green or anything just feel that if I post it on here I’ll be more motivated to actually do it.

Request to not receive receipt, recycle all receipts given to me.

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